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Actual Testimonials from Real Students

Unlike traditional surgical technology training schools, Dignity College of Healthcare started its surgical technician certification course online over 10 years ago. At the onset, many were skeptical about how surgical technician certification training could be done online. The institution breeched this skepticism by ensuring that the graduates fulfill their scrub hours in surgery centers and hospitals. Having fulfilled the theoretical training as well as clinical hours requirements, graduates were readily absorbed into reputable healthcare facilities as certified surgical technicians after they had passed their national certification exams. Some facilities did not require the national certification exams. Dignity College of Healthcare Certificate was enough. Our institution currently have facility-sponsored students as well as self-sponsored students. Below are some recent testimonials from actual students that finished with us. We have put down only their first names and their states for confidentiality.

In Over a decade of operation, we have graduated over 6,800 students working in different Unites States territory as well as some parts of Canada


State - TX


Angela (removed) on 2023-07-06 08:25

Details Plain text

I have an applicant that I need to verify certification ....


How would I get that verification?



Business Office Manager

Baylor Scott & White Surgicare 

 | E (removed)







Nationwide Healthcare Recruitment agency 


On 2022-06-20 12:04, Jhoney  wrote:


Good day,


I need your assistance in verifying this employee's certification.


Name: Sherita 

Certificate #: 

Issuance Date: 04/18/2022


Thank you!





Credentialing Assistant Team Lead

Cynet Health (TJC Certified)

Nationwide Healthcare Recruitment agency


Lorraine (State - WA)

On 2022-02-10 14:32, ...Lorraine  wrote:


I am the manager of surgical services at ... Washington and ... I am in need of surgical techs in my department and would love to be able to send some of my staff through your training.


Clinical Manager of Perioperative Services

Olesya  (State - IA)

2021-10-21 4:09 am


Could you please provide assistance in verifying a candidate's Surg Tech education? It is required for the position we are hiring her for. Her name is Olesya  ... Your prompt response is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Colleen    (State-OH)

Hello. Thank you for touching base. I'm actually starting a new job next week as a "Certified Scrub Technician"! They are letting me get my OR experience on-the-job. I do believe that getting certified, in addition to my previous experience, was an asset to my resume. I appreciate the convenience of your program. I worked perfectly with my schedule.

Quick side note, one of my current co-workers is also enrolled in your program because of my good success with it!

Thanks again. Many blessings, Colleen

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 1, 2021, at 12:11 AM, Dignity College Of Healthcare <> wrote:

Hello Colleen,

I am following up with you after your course. I am not sure if you were already working in the operating room or if you wanted to move from one department to another. I am just checking to know if your certification with us has helped you achieve your goal or if you are still in the process.


From Heather S... on 2023-09-06 09:11

Details Plain text



I am reaching out to obtain an education verification on a former student of Dignity College of Healthcare, who graduated in 2022.  Would you please provide the appropriate contact information for your records department so we can reach out to them for this verification?



Thank you,




Heather (Last Name Removed)

Verifications Specialist






 Christine on 2023-06-27 07:55

Details Plain text

Good Morning,


I urgently need to verify (name removed)  certificate 



Nurse Recruiter






Haley  (State- South Dakota)



2021-10-20 06:59


Good morning, 

I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know that I have an externship set up. It is with... Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I just wanted to give you a heads up!

Nathaniel   (State- CA)

Thanks for reaching out. I enjoyed your program. I have also passed my national certifying exam. Hoping to be hired soon

Maida (State - CA)

Good morning,

I am so happy my Surgical Technician course is done!

I just filled up my Certificate request .

I totally understand that the next step is my responsibility, but I still need some orientation about that.

I am so glad you are a wonderful Professional person!



(State MO)


From Tonya (removed) on 2023-08-09 09:14

Details Plain text


I'd like to verify Certified Surgical Technologist Rachel (removed)


Tonya (removed)

Human Resources Specialist

Western Missouri Medical Center







Sandy  (State - CT)


On 2022-02-08 05:39, Sandy ... wrote:

I have a staff member who we just registered for the CST program. How long before we would anticipate he would be receiving his online program? I assume it will be sent to his email as the registered member. 

The program was paid for by our surgical center ... 


Thank you in advance for you assistance.



Sandy .. 

Director of Nursing



Timothy  (State -Ohio))


Subject:Education Verification – File #...

Date:2022-01-17 08:24

From:AdminVer <>

To:"" <>

Good Morning,

My name is Jennifer and I am contacting you from Sterling, a third party background screening company. I am contacting you for information on how to request an education verification on a former graduate. Please feel free to call me at .... or by replying back to this email.

Thank you,




Joseph (State - MD)

on 2021-07-26 13:41

Thank for your e-mail. I now understand why when I asked the Holy Spirit for a school, He directed me to your school.

Thanks and may the Lord Jesus-Christ continue to bless you and to extend your limits.


Hailey (State - CA)    

I am currently doing my externship in Loma Linda University teaching hospital, Hoping to be hired here afterwards

James (removed) on 2023-07-26 12:37

Details Plain text


Good Afternoon,

We have an applicant that we are trying to verify that her Surgical Tech credentials are valid, her name is (removed) 




James (removed)

Background Check Coordinator

MHA Management Services Corporation


Email: (removed)



Wendy (State - IA)


2022-02-10 08:13, Wendy ...wrote:


I have a student who has completed the modules for the surgical tech program and is waiting to receive his certificate of completion so he take his certification exam. I'm just wondering how the student will receive this? Will it come via email or in the mail? 





Clinical Specialist, Perioperative Services



Selva (State-CA)

2021-09-21 07:11


I hope all is well.  may i please receive an itemized bill for the classes? My employer is requesting one... Thank you for making it possible for me to take this course. My children and i will benefit from this very much so. I'll be able to fully be there more for my children and not have to be dependent on other for financial support.

Thank you so very much,


Chidimma  (State - TX)

Wow many thanks to you ma'am, am super grateful for the opportunity to finish from your school.. am

Certainly coming back for more courses.


Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Friday, August 20, 2021, 1:32 PM, Dignity College Of Healthcare <> wrote:

Congratulations on the completion of your course.

Attached is your certificate of completion and transcripts. Hard copies are coming in the mail. 

2025 (c) Dignity College of Healthcare


6700 Indiana Avenue, Ste 255

Riverside, CA. 92506

951 394 8881

(California Office hours)

(Our phones are pretty busy. Email is best)

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